
Invited Lectures
If you are interested in scheduling Dr. Maragliano-Muniz, please email info@drmaragliano.com or complete this form.
5/2017: Connecticut State Dental Association
2/2017: Seattle Study Club, Atlanta, GA
1/2017: Yankee Dental Congress, Boston, MA
10/2016: Workshop Series of 2 workshops, New York, NY
8/2016: CAMBRA Coalition, Denver, CO
7/2016: RDH Under One Roof, MD
6/2016: InterDent, Chandler, AZ
6/2016: InterDent, Oklahoma City, OK
6/2016: Webinar, InterDent, Honolulu, HI
6/2016: Excel Seminar, Seattle, WA
6/2016: Seattle Study Club, Seattle, WA
5/2016: InterDent, Las Vegas, NV
5/2016: InderDent, Bellevue, WA
5/6/2016: University of Buffalo
4/2016: InterDent, Carlsbad, CA
4/2016: InterDent, Corona, CA
4/2016: Webinar, InterDent, Bakersfield, CA
3/31/2016: InterDent, Oakland, CA
3/30/2016: InterDent, Roseville, CA
3/30/2016: Webinar: Newest Advances in Glass Ionomer Technology
2/2016: Excel Seminar, San Jose, CA
1/2016: Seattle Study Club, Worcester, MA
10/2015: Study Club, Lancaster, PA
9/2015: Charlottesville Abelmarle Dental Society, Charlottesville, VA
7/2015: Catfish Caries, Boise, ID
6/2015: Patterson Dental, Grand Rapids, MI
3/2015: Study Club, Andover, MA, Straumann
3/2015: Oral Health Promotion Course, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
3/2015: Pittsburgh, PA
2/2015: Casco Bay Study Club, Falmouth, ME
2/2015: Northshore District, Massachusetts Dental Society, Salem, MA
2/2105: Oral Health Promotion Course, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
2/2015: Webinar, GC America
11/2014: Boston University
10/2014: Aspen Dental, Portland, OR
10/2014: Benco- Horsham,PA
9/2014: Schein, Bethlehem, PA
8/2014: RDH Under One Roof, Chicago, IL
7/2014: Oral Diagnosis Course, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
6/2014 Maine Dental Hygiene Association
6/2014: ADHA, Las Vegas, NV
6/2014: NYDHA, New York, NY
6/2014: NYSDHA: Fishkill, NY
6/2014: NYCDHA: New York, NY
5/2014: Denver, CO
5/2014: MDS CE Seminar, Southborough, MA
4/2014: RDH Study Group, Norwood, MA
3/2014: Pioneer Valley Dental Society
2/2014: Extreme Hygiene/ Smile Synergy Study Club, Gilbert, AZ
1/2014: Yankee Dental Congress, Boston, MA (2 lectures)
1/2014: Madison, Wisconsin
1/2014: 5th District Dental Society, Kansas City, MO
2010 - 2013
12/2013: Tufts Community Dental Program, Westborough, MA
10/2013: Webinar GC America
6/2013: Oral Diagnosis Course, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
3/2013: Oral Diagnosis Course, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
3/2013: Harcum Dental Expo, Bryn Myr, PA
2/2013: Oral Health Promotion Course, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
9/2012: Middlesex Destrict- Massachusetts Dental Society, Burlington, MA
5/2012: Webinar GC America
5/2012: DDS Study Club, Dallas, TX
3/2012: North Metropolitan District- Massachusetts Dental Society, Peabody, MA
3/2012: New Hampshire Dental Hygiene Association
2/2012: Oral Health Promotion Course, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
10/2011: Massachusetts Dental Hygiene Association, Beverly, MA
10/2011: American Dental Association Annual Session, Las Vegas, NV
2/2011-4/2011: Series of 3 Webinars: CAMBRA Refined for the Private Practice
5/2011: Educational Caries and Periodontal Disease Management Presentation: Novartis Pharmaceuticals
10/2010: American Dental Association Annual Session- Adult Preventive Practice of the Year, Orlando,FL